
Brendan Rigby -

Brendan is an education specialist with six years of experience working as a teacher, researcher and programme officer. He studied the Master of Arts in Development Studies at UNSW in 2009-2010. A highlight of his studies was working with Dr. Eileen Pittaway, the Centre for Refugee Research and refugees from Burma in India. Since finishing, Brendan has worked with a Chinese microfinance NGO and started with Weh Yeoh. Most recently, Brendan was an Education Officer with UNICEF in Tamale, Ghana. He will pursue a PhD later this year exploring complementary basic education for out-of-school children.

Weh Yeoh -

Weh had a background in physiotherapy and disability before completing the MA in Development Studies at UNSW in 2010. Since graduating, he has worked with Handicap International in China as an advisor. He is currently working as a disability development worker based in Cambodia, advising both a Cambodian and an international NGO. He has a diverse background, having spent years travelling through remote parts of Asia, volunteering in an orphanage and adult shelter for people with disabilities in Vietnam, interning in India, and studying Mandarin in Beijing. He has experience in the NGO sector both in Australia and internationally.

Weh and Brendan are co-founders of WhyDev, a collaborative and participatory platform for individuals passionate about development, aid, and other global issues. WhyDev provides a way to express ideas, opinions, knowledge, doubts, questions and creativity towards these topics. Initially established as a blog, WhyDev now offers peer coaching for aid workers, contributes to and hosts episodes of AidWorks, a weekly podcast on aid and development, and more.  The UNSW Development Studies team are pleased to see WhyDev taking off, and are proud that it has been established by UNSW Development Studies graduates.