PhD students, supervisors and topics

Below is a summary of PhD students, their topic and supervisors. For a detailed summary of each thesis topic please click on the links below or refer to the menu on the right-hand side of the screen.

Primary supervisor: Prof. Anthony Zwi

A survey of cataract blindness and visual impairment in the fishing communities in Karachi, Pakistan
Khabir Ahmad 

The impact of sexual and reproductive health programming in crisis situations in East, Southeast Asia and the Pacific
Sarah Chynoweth

The potential of integrating peace building into sexual and reproductive health interventions
Amy Mai Collins

Political analysis of policy to reduce burden of suicide in Sri Lanka
Melissa Jane Pearson

The use of evidence to improve health equity: the example of blindness
Jacqueline Ramke

Sri Lanka National Study: Community participation in Primary health Care
Kolitha Wickramage

Clinical management of sexual violence in crises and humanitarian accountability for minimum standard
Chen Reis
Co-supervisor: Prof. Louise Chappell


Primary supervisor: Dr Krishna Shrestha

Climate change and local institutions: Improving adaptive capacity of local communities in Nepal
Anisha Pradhan

Deliberative Planning Practice for Climate Change Adaptation: Case Studies in Australia and South Korea
Donna Yoo

Primary supervisor: A/Prof Duncan McDuie-Ra

Development Professionals and Rights Based Development
Azadeh Etminan

Gender and Change in the Pakistani Frontier
Rabia Gul Ali

Politics of development in Tripura, Northeast India
Mayuri Sengupta

Transitional Justice in Nepa
Yvette Selim 

Patronage and Corruption in Kyrgyzstan
Rene Provis

Primary supervisor: Dr Linda Bartolomei

Imposing community development and gender solidarity: questioning assumptions of benefit for women in urban poor settlements
Kristy Ward